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Three individuals wearing safety helmets and orange vests are engaged in a discussion about a construction material inside a workshop or factory setting. The environment is industrial, with visible machinery and brick walls in the background. One person is holding a rectangular block, possibly a type of building material, while the others observe and interact.
Three individuals wearing safety helmets and orange vests are engaged in a discussion about a construction material inside a workshop or factory setting. The environment is industrial, with visible machinery and brick walls in the background. One person is holding a rectangular block, possibly a type of building material, while the others observe and interact.
A person wearing an orange safety vest stands near a railway track, facing an approaching commuter train. Tall palm trees and urban buildings are visible in the background, suggesting an urban setting.
A person wearing an orange safety vest stands near a railway track, facing an approaching commuter train. Tall palm trees and urban buildings are visible in the background, suggesting an urban setting.

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Per effettuare la verifica, individua il QR code situato in basso a sinistra sull'attestato.

Dal mese di aprile 2009, tutti gli attestati rilasciati sono archiviati in un database per assicurarne l'autenticità e la validità.


aerial view of city buildings during daytime
aerial view of city buildings during daytime

Cognome e Nome: Mario Rossi


Data emissione: 01/01/2020 - 02/01/2020